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Black Rainbow
Fly from Scandinavian and Irish Collection
Юрий Шумаков.

Black Rainbow

  • Tube: Aluminum, type Bottle neck with removed "neck" and rim, 4 mm in diameter, 2/3 inch long; inner plastic tube 1.5 mm in diameter
  • Body: Black holo Mylar tubing over
  • Wing: Black holo flashabou; small bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black; black holo and multi coloured flashabou; small bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black; multi coloured flashabou; bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black
  • Front Hackle: Rabbit hair dyed in black and dubbed with tippets out, 4-5 turns
  • Cheeks: Jungle Cock
  • Head: Black

NOTES: This example shows how you can dress your halfincher making a "naked" body more attractive.

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Kola Salmon ® 2016

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