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Golden Olive Spey
Fly from Scandinavian and Irish Collection
Юрий Шумаков.

Golden Olive Spey

  • Tube: Brass type, Long Range, 4 mm in dia., 1/2 inch; inner plastic tube 1.5 mm in dia.
  • Body: Brass tube type Long Range 4 mm in dia.; slots dyed with Glow red varnish
  • Wing: Yellow Mirage flashabou; small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed bright yellow; yellow and silver holo angel hair; bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in golden olive; yellow, black and silver holo angel hair; small bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed black; over the wing whole teal flank feather Ѕ wing length
  • Spey Hackle: Marabou feather dyed in golden olive, varnished with hair fixer and brushed
  • Head: Black

NOTES: Golden olive colour became a very popular in fly-dressing in Scandinavia, especially in Sweden. Beas fly is one of the very well known patterns among those who fish on Mцrrum river.

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Kola Salmon ® 2016

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