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Coca Kola
Fly from Kola Collection
Юрий Шумаков.

Coca Kola

  • Tube: Eppendorf plastic lab tippet, 1 inch
  • Tag: French oval tinsel dyed over pearl in peacock
  • Butt: Chinese red Uni-stretch floss
  • Tail: Fluor red SLF Hank
  • Body: Rear half: flat embossed copper tinsel; Front half: black peacock holo dubbing
  • Rib: French oval tinsel dyed over pearl in peacock
  • Body Hackle: On front half: badger cock dyed in orange
  • Wing: Orange Mirage flashabou; small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in red; red and silver holo angel hair; small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in light orange brown; red and copper angel hair; bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black; over the wing a few barbs from peacock feather
  • Flanks: Fine long Grizzly cock feather
  • Front Hackle: Badger cock dyed in orange
  • Cheeks: Jungle cock
  • Head: Black

NOTES: Combinations of copper and such colours as rusty orange and orange brown are very good for tea coloured water of rivers, typical for Southern coast of Kola peninsula and Northern coast of White Sea. Use of these colour combinations in fly-dressing has came from Sweden.

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Kola Salmon ® 2016

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