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Litza Blue
A Jurij (Yuri) Shumakov Fly from his Kola Collection

Litza Blue, A Jurij (Yuri) Shumakov Fly

  Litza Blue
Tube Eppendorf plastic lab tippet, 1 inch
Tag French gold oval tinsel
Tail Yellow SLF Hank
Butt Chinese red Uni-stretch floss
Body Rear half: blue Lagartun French mini-flat braid; front half: blue SLF dubbing
Rib French gold oval tinsel
Body Hackle On front half: cock dyed in ice blue
WingPearl Mirage flashabou; small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in red; red, ocean blue and silver holo angel hair; small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in ice blue; ocean blue and silver holo angel hair; bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black; over the wing a few barbs from peacock feather
Flanks Fine long Grizzly cock feather
Cheeks Jungle cock

YURI'S NOTES: Like the Blue Weasel , one of popular modern blue theme in fly-tying used for fresh runners in Norway and Northern coast of Kola Peninsula at the beginning of season. Works best on stretches near mouth of rivers.

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Kola Salmon ® 2016

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