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Rusty Chopter
A Jurij (Yuri) Shumakov Fly from his Scandinavian and Irish Collection

Rusty Chopter, A Jurij (Yuri) Shumakov Fly

Name Rusty Chopter
Tag Oval copper tinsel
Butt Glow orange floss
Tail Glow orange floss, over 2 strands of orange Mirror flash
BodyRear half: copper embossed metallic flat tinsel; front half: mix of golden brown and holo copper ice dub
Rib Oval copper tinsel
Body Hackle Front half: ginger cock
WingOrange Mirage flashabou; small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in rusty orange, copper and holographic gold Angel hair, small bunch of Serebrjanka fur dyed in orange brown; over the wing a few strands of fine orange brown ripple flash

YURI'S NOTES: This is a cone head version of the popular Spey tube fly "rusty" dressing. The funny name of this fly appeared after I read an "article" of one tourist who has visited the Kola Peninsula. In an attempt to show his superiority and Russia poverty he described in his opus how he was brave to fly Russian a rusty helicopter, while each schoolboy knows that "copters" are made of aluminium. I laugh my a… off and can not resist the desire to call one of my flies with the name.

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Kola Salmon ® 2016

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